We invite you to become part of our healing community!
To be a member, you need to contribute to running the café, and attend a Recovery Circle once a week.
Stop by for your first visit
Attend a new member introduction - New Member introductions are held when we have spots available for new members. They are held regularly.
We are located in the lower level of the Eggleston Community Building. Please email ed@recoverycafemadison.org for more information or to schedule your visit.

Membership requirements:
Participate in a weekly Recovery Circle or let staff know when you must be absent.
Commit to participating in community service at the Café.
Practice the guiding principles of the Recovery Café community.
Be drug and alcohol free in the community space.

Guiding principles:
Connect with the love in ourselves and others
Show respect
Cultivate compassion
Practice forgiveness
Encourage growth
Give back
Membership benefits:
​Membership at the Recovery Café of Madison is a great opportunity to find stability in what can otherwise be a chaotic journey. There are many great tools and benefits that Members are able to access while active at Recovery Café including...
A delicious and nutritious meal each day we are open.
School for Recovery classes focusing on a variety of topics, including relapse prevention, building healthy relationships, skill building, painting, writing, yoga, and much more.
A supportive healing community of people in recovery from homelessness, addiction, trauma, and other mental health challenges.
A Recovery Circle in which you experience being known and loved.
Opportunities to help run the facility and participate in the healing work of this space.
Referral help to access other services as needed.